a speculative ritual to earn the deletion of a digital memory
a speculative ritual to earn the deletion of a digital memory
Design a ritual for the forgetting or dispossessing of digital memories supported by a physical/digital object.
An experiential prototype positing a ritual that allows someone to seek the deletion of digital content stored outside their control.
Forget Me, Forget Me Not raises questions around the forgetting and fading away of memories in a future total capture society.
Forgetting Booths allow citizens to seek the communal forgetting of embarrassing, humiliating, or degrading memories. They will be integrated into public spaces and available 24/7. An individual who wants a memory to be forgotten goes to the booth, specifies the memory, and waits for a companion. Once another stranger arrives, they each divulge the moment to the other in return for its digital destruction from all cloud platforms. The memory then exists singularly within these two souls.
A Forgetting Booth located in a city park.
A section view of a Forgetting Booth and an overview of the ritual.